
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Report Text "Lion"

The Definition of Report Text
Report is a text which presents information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analysis.

The Generic Structure of Report Text
1.      General Identification » Stating classification of general aspect of thing; animal, public place, plant, etc  which will be discussed in general.
2.       Description » Describing the thing which will be discussed in detail;  part per part , customs or deed for living creature and  usage for materials.

The Purpose of Report Text
To describe particular person, place or thing.
A discriptive text focuses on a specific thing
and its specific features.

The Language Feature of Report Text
The use of general nouns
            ( ex : animals, vertebrates)
 The use of relating verbs
            ( ex : is, are, has )
The use of present tenses
            ( ex : All fish are vertebrates with gills for breathing)
The use of behavioral verbs
            ( ex : Fish live in nearly every underwater habitat, from near  freezing Arctic waters to hot desert springs ; from mud ponds to the deepest ocean abyss)
The use of technical terms    
( ex: Fish are an important source of protein for millions of people worldwide)


Lion or in scientif name Panthera Leo is of the big four cats in Genus Panthera and the Family of Felidae. They currently can be found in Sub-Saharian Africa and South Asia, while the other type have disappeared from North Africa and Southwest Asia in Historic Times.
Lions live for 10–14 years in the wild, while in captivity they can live longer than 20 years. hey typically inhabit savanna and grassland, although they may take to bush and forest. Lion are big cat that can't swim, because on their habitat is difficult to find water. Lions spend much of their times for resting, they rest about 20 Hours a day.
Lions are social animals to, Some lions are residents, living in groups centering around related lionesses, called prides. The pride usually consists of five or six females, their cubs of both sexes, and one or two males (known as a coalition if more than one) who mate with the adult females (although extremely large prides, consisting of up to 30 individuals, have been observed). he second organizational behaviour is labeled nomads, who range widely and move about sporadically, either singularly or in pairs.
Lions are powerful animals they have shaps claws and teeth and can run up to 81km/hour, but they haven't good stamina, so, they need to be close to their prey before start attack. They take advantage of factors that reduce visibility, many kills take place near some form of cover or at night. hunting usually done by Female Lions, and male lion just shut up and wait for result of the hunt, but, sometimes male lion are hunt to. They prey usually consist of large Mammal, such as Wildbeest, Warthog, Wildboar, Buffalo, and several Species of Deers
Male Lion can easily recognize by its mane, it used to cover their neck when fight. male lion have length about 250-330cm and weight about 150-250kg and Female lion have length about 240-270cm and weight about 120-185kg. Lions have many Sub-Species, like Asiatic Lion, Barbary Lion, Massai lion, Transvaal lion, White lion, and the other Sub-Species

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